Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

AI & Machine Learning services, Artificial Intelligence Consulting Providers , ai/ml implementation companies
// our service

AI/ML Services

Drive better business outcomes, minimizing downtime, identifying outliers, and outage predictions through our Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence. Our team of Machine Learning experts and AI consultants can deliver tangible business results and guide you through all the stages of development to create bespoke AI solutions. You can become the leader in your field by unlocking more value from your data with our Artificial intelligence consulting services which are human-centred, outcomes-oriented, and pragmatic

Extensive Ecosystem

Cloud First's boundless AI ecosystem stimulates time to market and re-evaluates application portability for AI solutions​.

Scalable AI Solutions

Cloud-First delivers performance, scalability, and extended configurability to streamline the deployment of AI across all markets

Open Tools

We are the first ones to eliminate lock-in at a lower cost with our Cloud First’s global developer community by developing open-source standard tools.

AI & ML Services to Build Modern Digital Experiences

  • First, we gather your requirements, then we do the business study according to the business case, customers, and competitors
  • We come up with a solution to address your requirement & design the roadmap to achieve that and prepare a software requirements specification
  • Based on the deliverables from the previous stages, we build a framework and an architecture for your future AI solution
  • Once we make sure that the prototype and architecture meet the customers’ requirements, we implement that in the live environment
  • Our regular updates and services support tend your AI solution even after product release
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
  • Interpret Complex Data
  • Detect Trends & Similar Patterns
  • Integrate & Deploy Machine Learning Engines
  • Voice-based AI
    Voice-based AI
  • Faster speech capturing
  • Text-to-speech in real-time
  • Live route guidance
  • Digital Apps Development Services
    Digital Apps Development Services
  • Faster speech capturing
  • Text-to-speech in real-time
  • Live route guidance
  • Natural Language Processing
    Natural Language Processing
  • Extracting, Processing, & Analyzing Data
  • Structured Data To Meaningful Insights
  • Unsupervised Machine Learning Experience
  • Chatbot Development
    Chatbot Development
  • Scalable Chatbot Applications
  • Automated Transactions & Workflows
  • Personalized Interaction
  • AI Consulting & Integration Services
    AI Consulting & Integration Services
  • Computer Vision Systems
  • AI-driven Media Workflow Automation
  • Video Processing & Content DNA Platforms